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Day 1

The Eightfold Path is a structured approach to living wisely. Step one is right view.


Breath and Body

Inhalations and exhalations appear within a broader awareness of physical experience.


Day 2

Step two is right thought. Step three is right speech.


Sound and Sensation

Hearing happens by itself, effortlessly. Feelings in the body arise, evolve, and pass.


Day 3

Step four is right action. Step five is right livelihood. Step six is right effort.


Thoughts and Images

When we cease identifying with mental patterns, they lose power—and we gain it.


Day 4

Step seven is right mindfulness. Step eight is right concentration.


Emotion and Volition

Emotions arise in both body and mind. Actions arise from early moments of intention.


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The Eightfold Path

In August of 2024, Sam Harris, Dan Harris, and Joseph Goldstein met for a short retreat on the coast of Maine to discuss Buddhism’s foundational practices. Their recorded conversations—a mix of philosophical reflections, personal stories, and friendly debate—are rich with nuance and humor, as well as with insights from Joseph’s many decades spent teaching meditation.

These unscripted recordings explore the causes of suffering and happiness, the nature of spiritual growth, and the relationship between mindfulness, thought, emotion, conduct, and wisdom.

While rooted in traditional Buddhist teachings, these sessions present a framework for living that remains profoundly relevant to the challenges and opportunities we encounter every day in the modern world.


to listen to all 8 sessions in this series.

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